WORK & MOVE Nationale Nederlanden

An even healthier, more conscious start to 2020 at Nationale Nederlanden. They took a new step in their already existing vitality policy. 
They switched from CtrlWORK software to WORK & MOVE software. The main reason was that the new software fitted better with their vitality policy. Here, Nationale Nederlanden (NN) promotes exercise in the workplace and short moments of action.

Vitality Policy

“We were already using software to make our colleagues aware of taking short recovery moments. The moment we heard that WORK & MOVE was the successor to CtrlWORK and put more emphasis on encouraging movement during work, we were immediately excited. WORK & MOVE is not only about the mental and physical recovery moments, but there is also more attention to lifestyle and varied exercise than CtrlWORK,” says Marion Pronk (HR Specialist Labor and Health).
“We want to let people develop themselves further. Make people aware of the positive effects of exercise in the workplace. We don’t just say that you have to move more, but we also want to offer support in this in as accessible a way as possible. And WORK & MOVE fits perfectly with that.”

WORK & MOVE not only encourages physical movement. Through the tips and taking a break from the work you are doing, your brain also comes to rest. Ultimately, this has a demonstrably positive effect on employee productivity and creativity. So both the physical and mental component are stimulated using WORK & MOVE.



We tested the WORK & MOVE software with a small group, and we were quickly convinced. The software fits perfectly with the vitality policy and it encourages employee self-responsibility. The implementation raised no questions. All NN employees have access to the WORK & MOVE software on their computers. Every working day WORK & MOVE starts up automatically, and gives personal advice on work behavior and improvement potential. Attention has also been paid to the possibilities of WORK & MOVE on our intranet portal.

Challenge in behavior change

We are always looking for hooks that exist in your own living environment to work on vitality. The tips in WORK & MOVE are that hook.
Through the pit stops you get with the software, you get a reminder what you set yourself a goal to do. It reinforces my behavior from what I already know. It changes the mindset of our employees,” Marion says enthusiastically. When asked who bears responsibility for vitality, the answer is twofold. Of course, we as an organization must take responsibility and create the preconditions. But that is not all. The employee also has his responsibilities. He or she will have to take good care of themselves both physically and mentally.

“At NN there is the possibility to work from home. This is often time-saving in many cases; you have no travel time and any traffic jams are avoided. However, when working from home there is much less feeling from the manager, how is the employee in his or her skin, how long is one working? Does one even take a lunch break? Or does one continue to work consecutively? WORK & MOVE helps us alert NN employees to these mental and physical recovery moments, ” said Marion. “WORK & MOVE is that friendly stick. Which indicates that the bow can’t always be tight.”

Moving work

All of our education, both about the workplace in the office and at home, revolves around how important exercise is. And the software makes employees more aware of their behavior. But not only the software is an important part of our policy. We also organize vitality activities such as Fit 20, Yoga & running. Once this seed is planted, it’s up to the employee to do something with it.

“The people who have symptoms live by them, the people who don’t have symptoms are harder to convince to put in recovery moments, move more or alternate posture.”


The WORK & MOVE tips

WORK & MOVE contains more than 1,500 tips in areas such as physical fitness, mental fitness, working smarter, and shortcuts. And those tips tie in with our education and what our story as an organization is based on. The NN employee decides which tips are relevant, and turns on this content, so to speak.


Make your organisation healthier too

Like Nationale Nederlanden, your organization can also use WORK & MOVE Coach. Get physically and mentally fitter employees and reduce absenteeism. Try it today for free!

Still not convinced?

Then see what other customers of ours have to say about WORK & MOVE!


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Capgemini has about 4,000 employees in the Netherlands and what they do then mostly is work at the computer and they do that sitting all day.”We know it’s not healthy to sit all day and that’s why we offer WORK & MOVE to all our employees.”